Free Convert YouTube Music with Best YouTube to MP3 Converter
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- Free Convert YouTube Music with Best YouTube to MP3 Converter

Find some interesting music in YouTube Music channel? Want to convert it as an audio file like MP3 which can save it to mobile devices and enjoy it without opening YouTube? Now, the following free methods can help you make it!

YouTube, the biggest video-sharing website in the world, gathers a number of talented people. Many of them have an excellent talent for singing and they often share original or cover songs in their channels. However, most of these YouTubers are not able to release albums by themselves. In other words, YouTube is the only way to listen or download their music. But it will be very troublesome that you need to open YouTube for listening their music. As a music lover, you definitely want to know whether there are any solutions to download music from YouTube quickly. Here are two solutions for you.
Solution 1: Use Online Tool to Download Completed Videos

Solutions 2:Record Sound from YouTube Video with Best YouTube to MP3 Converter
This software can record sound with only one click. Users can regard this record process to be a mix of download and convert at the same time.
You can start and stop the recording at any time, which means you can record sound of whole or part of the video.
Step 1: Before recording, shut down other programs which may create sound and leave the web browser.
Step 2: Open YouTube in the browser. Find the target video that you want to record sound for and stop playing at the beginning.

Step 3: Open Renee Audio Recorder Pro. Select to record sound from PC on the left-top corner.

Step 4: Select the output format to be MP3 and set storage location for the recorded file.

Step: 5: Return to the YouTube page and start playing the video. Please swift to Renee Audio Recorder and click “Record” to start the recording at the same time.

Step 6: After completing the record, the sound from YouTube video will be save as a MP3 audio.