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Running the CHKDSK command on Windows 10/11 can sometimes lead to data loss, especially if the drive is highly fragmented. This guide provides essential information on how to recover files deleted by CHKDSK. It explains that CHKDSK can delete files during its repair operations, particularly when it encounters bad sectors and fails to recover or remap the data. The guide emphasizes the importance of stopping the use of the affected drive immediately to increase the chances of successful data recovery.

Did you recently run the CHKDSK command and noticed missing data afterwards? Due to how it conducts repairs on the file system, running CHKDSK has the risk of causing data loss – especially if the drive is highly fragmented. Recovering CHKDSK deleted files on Windows 10 is doable but has unique challenges that require a bit of knowledge about how it works. So we wrote this guide, which has everything you need to know to get your files back safely.
Tips: Immediately stop using the drive you ran CHKDSK on until you’re done reading this article. Continuously using a drive affected by data loss makes it harder to recover your files later.
enter chkdsk c f in command prompt

Does CHKDSK Delete Files?

Yes, CHKDSK can delete files as part of its repair operations. For example, when CHKDSK comes across bad sectors, it tries to recover or remap the data of those sectors to spare sectors if available. If that process fails for one reason or another (e.g. the data itself is too corrupted), it may cause the loss of that data. CHKDSK also uses complex algorithms to detect corruption or inconsistency in the disk’s file system structures. The way it carries out repairs includes discarding certain data that is deemed corrupt or inconsistent even if they can still be salvaged by the user.

Where Does CHKDSK Put Recovered Files and What is Found.000?

Depending on the situation, CHKDSK sometimes saves the files it discards in a folder called Found.000, which is located in your drive’s root folder. Using third-party CHK tools, you may be able to restore your missing files by extracting their data from Found.000.
Recover files from FOUND.000 folder
However, Found.000 might not have all or even most of the files you specifically need, especially if they were heavily affected by CHKDSK’s repair operations. You may also be unable to locate Found.000 for one reason or another. Files lost under those conditions are still recoverable in some cases – see the next section for more details.
Renee Undeleter - Powerful Data Recovery SoftwareRenee Undeleter data Recovery software

Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.

Multiple scan modes Fast partition scan, whole partition scan and whole disk scan for different recovery needs.

File types Support to recover pictures, videos, audios, documents, mails, etc.

Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin, SD card, external disk, etc.

Supported systems Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and Mac OS X10.6, 10.7, 10.8.

Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.

Multiple scan modes - 3 scan modes for different recovery needs.

Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin, SD card, external disk, etc.

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How to Recover CHKDSK Deleted Files: 5 Methods

In this section, you’ll find comprehensive instructions for 5 working and reliable methods to recover CHKDSK deleted files and folders (whether or not they were relocated to Found.000).

Method 1: Restore a Local Backup

If Windows CHKDSK deleted your files, the most reliable way to get all your data back is to restore a backup of your affected drive. We’ll demonstrate how to recover File History, which is an incremental backup tool for Windows that saves versions of your files and folders every time they get modified.
Tips: File History not working in Windows 10/11? Please refer to Resolving File History not working Issues in Windows 10
1. Open the Start Menu and search for Restore your files with File History. Open it.
2. Use the arrows in the bottom of the window to go earlier in the files’ and folders’ timelines. Then, select the files and folders you want to restore and click the green restore button.
Windows File History

Method 2: Restore Cloud Backups

If you don’t have local backups, you may still want to check your system if any cloud storage services are installed. These are apps like OneDrive and Google Drive, which save files on your computer to an online server. This allows you to access those files from any device as long as it’s connected to the internet.
Tips: Some apps automatically back up existing directories by default, like your Desktop and Document folders. Others require you to save files and folders manually in a special location. We’ll show you how to download backed up files from OneDrive using a browser.
1. Open any browser and login to
OneDrive Recycle Bin
2. Mark the boxes beside the files and folders you want to download. Then, click the Download button.
Renee Undeleter - Powerful Data Recovery SoftwareRenee Undeleter data Recovery software

Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.

Multiple scan modes Fast partition scan, whole partition scan and whole disk scan for different recovery needs.

File types Support to recover pictures, videos, audios, documents, mails, etc.

Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin, SD card, external disk, etc.

Supported systems Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and Mac OS X10.6, 10.7, 10.8.

Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.

Multiple scan modes - 3 scan modes for different recovery needs.

Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin, SD card, external disk, etc.

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Method 3: Use CHK Recovery Tools on Found.000

Because CHKDSK’s recovery behavior is relatively well-known, various developers designed specialized tools to extract the data from the Found.000 folder and turn it into usable files again. We’ll be using a free tool called UnCHK to demonstrate this process because it supports most common file signatures across various file types (e.g. JPG, PSD, GIF, EXE, BMP, DOC, MP3, etc.).
Tips: If Found.000 isn’t on your PC, you can jump to Method 5.
1. Download UnCHK to your PC or on an external storage device if you used CHKDSK on an internal drive.
downloading unchk
2. Extract the folder that was downloaded in Step 1:
extracting the unchk app
3. Drag your CHK file and drop it literally on top of the unchk.exe icon.
dragging the chk file on top of the unchk tool
4. Choose the location where Found.000 and your CHK files are stored. Then, click OK. Depending on your PC, you may have to download MSVBVM50.dll for this to work (a component of Visual Basic 5, which you can download from the Microsoft website).
selecting directory in unchk
5. Select Hard Drive as UnCHK’s Scan Depth and click OK. UnCHK will immediately start processing your CHK files and will close itself once all files have been renamed.
scanning hard drive in unchk
Tips: You may want to check out FileCHK (same website as UnCHK) and deCHK, which are also free CHK recovery tools.

Method 4: Rename the Found.000 Files Manually

If you prefer not to use the tools we covered in the last section, you can actually perform their core operations manually. You have 2 options, depending on whether you want to rename the files one by one or by batch (as long as they use the same file extension).
Option A: Rename CHK Files One by One
Files in Found.000 are usually saved with the CHK extension (.chk). You can manually replace those file extensions to their originals (e.g. .jpg) by simply renaming the CHK files. However, the challenge comes from figuring out their original file extensions in the first place. You will need a hex editor so you can view each file’s raw data. From there, you can view their file headers and discover their file type. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to do it step by step. We’ll be using a free hex editor called HxD. You can also try using TrID to automatically identify file types – whether or not it will work depends on the state of the individual file.
1. Download and install HxD or any other hex editor (free tools will suffice).
2. Make a copy of the CHK files so the original versions are safe just in case.
3. Open HxD and click File > Open.
Open HxD app
4. Select the CHK file you want to inspect and click Open. Then, copy the first 8 digits of the file’s binary code.
selecting chk file
5. Using any browser, open File Signatures Table. Then, press CTRL + F to open the search tool and paste the code from your clipboard to quickly jump to the correct file extension. In our case, the binary code FF D8 FF E0 indicates a JPEG file.
gary kessler's file signatures table
Once you’ve confirmed the file’s original extension, go back into File Explorer. Click View > Show > File Extensions. Then, right-click the file (make sure it’s the copy – not the original) and click Rename. Enter its new file name with the correct extension (e.g. filename0.chk → filename0.jpg).
Option B: Rename Multiple CHK Files With Only One File Type
You can use Command Prompt to automatically replace all .chk extensions in Found.000 to whatever you want. This is useful if you (a) know that all the files in Found.000 have the same file extension or (b) you only need files with a specific extension (e.g. only JPEG images).
Tips: Don’t worry if you’ve never used Command Prompt before. This task only uses two commands!
1. Make a copy of the Found.000 folder and rename it to “CHKFiles”.
2. Open Command Prompt via the Start Menu.
run as administrator
3. Type the following command and hit Enter.

mkdir C:\CHKFiles

cd C:\CHKFiles

Replace C with the disk letter of the affected drive.
cd C:\CHKFiles function in command prompt
4. Type the following command and hit Enter.

for %f in (*.chk) do ren "%f" "%~nf.jpg"

Replace .jpg with the file extension you want to output (e.g. .mov, .docx, .pdf., etc.). This command retains the current file name and only replaces the extension.
replacing file signature in command prompt

Method 5: Use Professional Data Recovery Software

If you are unable to recover your files using the above methods, consider using a professional data recovery tool like Renee Undeleter. It is a user-friendly and comprehensive tool that offers a high success rate for file recovery.
Step 1: Download, install and run Renee Undeleter on your Windows computer.
Renee Undeleter - Powerful Data Recovery SoftwareRenee Undeleter data Recovery software

Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.

Multiple scan modes Fast partition scan, whole partition scan and whole disk scan for different recovery needs.

File types Support to recover pictures, videos, audios, documents, mails, etc.

Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin, SD card, external disk, etc.

Supported systems Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and Mac OS X10.6, 10.7, 10.8.

Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.

Multiple scan modes - 3 scan modes for different recovery needs.

Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin, SD card, external disk, etc.

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Step 2: Select the [Fast Partition Scan] option in the main interface.
Tips: Please avoid installing the software on the disk containing the data to be recovered in order to prevent data overwriting. Also, refrain from saving new data to the same disk partition after a file is lost to avoid further damage or complete loss of the lost file.
data recovery in renee undeleter
Step 3: Next, select the partition where the lost data is located, and click [Next].
scan disk with Renee Undeleter
Step 4: Select the [Fast Scan] option and click the [Next] button to scan.
The [Fast Scan] mode scans the initial 30GB of available space on the chosen disk. If desired files are not found, the [Deep Scan] mode can be used for a thorough scan of the hard disk partition, though it will require additional time.
fast scan lost data
Step 5: Wait for the scan to complete You can double-click the file to preview, then check the files that need to be recovered, and click the [Recover] button to recover the files to other disks.
preview before recovery
Tips: Please select a disk without any important data when installing the software to avoid overwriting it. If the quick scan mode doesn’t find the necessary files, we suggest trying the deep scan mode for a full search. Using a professional software like Renee Undeleter can greatly increase your chances of successful file recovery. It is important to note that the longer you wait to use this method, the lower your chances of successful recovery become.


Even though it has the potential to cause data loss, CHKDSK is still a very useful tool for repairing drive errors – especially since you don’t need technical knowledge to use it. You can still use CHKDSK without losing files, even on a malfunctioning drive. The key is to recover the data from your corrupted drive before running CHKDSK. Once your data is secure, it won’t matter if the CHKDSK command deletes files. You can even format your drive and start fresh! In summary, while CHKDSK can inadvertently delete files during its repair processes, there are several methods to recover these files. By restoring from local or cloud backups, using specialized recovery tools, or manually renaming files, you can reclaim your lost data. Always remember to secure your data before running CHKDSK to prevent future data loss.
Renee Undeleter - Powerful Data Recovery SoftwareRenee Undeleter data Recovery software

Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.

Multiple scan modes Fast partition scan, whole partition scan and whole disk scan for different recovery needs.

File types Support to recover pictures, videos, audios, documents, mails, etc.

Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin, SD card, external disk, etc.

Supported systems Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and Mac OS X10.6, 10.7, 10.8.

Easy to use Only simple steps to recover data from storage devices.

Multiple scan modes - 3 scan modes for different recovery needs.

Supported storage devices Recover data from recycle bin, SD card, external disk, etc.

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