How to Enable or Disable Windows Boot Manager in Windows 10?
Windows Boot Manager is used to load several operating systems. So how do we enable or disable Windows Boot Manager in Windows 10? If there’s something wrong with Windows Boot Manager, how do we fix it? This article will help you out!
How to Fix Blue Screen of Death in Windows 7
Blue screen of death (BSoD) is a very common issue for Windows 7 users. Sometimes it can be fixed when you try to reboot the PC. But how do we fix it effectively if restart does not work. Here, causes of Blue Screen of Death and solutions to fix it will be provided.
How to Fix Error Code 0xc0000034?
Many users have encountered the blue screen problem when trying to boot the PC. It’s a symptom of operating system breakdown. What are the reasons? And how to fix the error 0xc0000034 if it appears? Next, three solutions to fix the error 0xc0000034 will be provided here.
How to Use SFC /Scannow in Windows 10?
The sfc /scannow is a command that instructs to scan for protected Windows system files and automatically restore corrupted system files. Read this article and use sfc /scannow command line to scan and restore corruptions in Windows 10 system files easily.
Three Solutions to Fix MBR in Windows 10
Generally, if the PC gets viruses or it is powered off suddenly, it may damage MBR and black screen problem will happen. If you ever met this problem or you’re encountering it, you can try following methods to fix MBR in Windows 10.
How to Fix Blue Screen of Death in Windows 10?
Many users ever encountered the blue screen of death problem that is so common in Windows 10. But how do we fix blue screen of death? Read this article and you will find out the reasons and solutions.
How to Fix Error 0xc000021a in Windows 8/10?
When you encounter startup error 0xc000021a in Windows 8 and 10, usually you’re reminded to restart the PC. But sometimes the error 0xc000021a still appears after the PC has been restarted. Some solutions about how to fix error 0xc000021a in Windows 8 and 10 will be provided.
How to Remove Microsoft Account from Windows 10?
Using Microsoft account can sign in all of Microsoft online services in Windows 10. But for some users who never try the services, it’s inconvenient for them to enter the password of Microsoft account in the login screen every time. Read this article, you will find some ways to remove Microsoft account from Windows 10.
How to Set Password Policy in Windows 10?
Many users set a very simple login password, but it’s not good to protect privacy and PC. How do we set up password policy in Windows 10 to protect our PCs in a better way?
Difference Between Microsoft Account and Local Account in Windows 10
Microsoft account is a crucial part in Windows 10. Only when you have a Microsoft account can you enjoy all of Microsoft’s services. However, some new users is not so familiar with Microsoft account and local account in Windows 10. Next, let’s get more about the difference between Microsoft Account and Local Account in Windows 10.