Computer Keeps Restarting? Possible Reasons and Solutions!
Windows is important in our daily life. However, when we encounter Windows corruption like computer keeps restarting, fails to boot or other problems, please do not give up. Try methods here to regain access to your computer.
How to Enable Auto Login in Windows 7?
In Windows 7, you can enable auto login if you think password prompt in login screen is a trouble. However, it’s suggested to enable auto login only for your own PC. If someone else could use your PC, it would be better to disable auto login.
How to Fix Error Code 0xc0000225 in Windows 10?
Sometimes we may encounter a black screen or blue screen with error code 0xc0000225 when trying to boot the PC. Following will introduce the overall solutions for all possible reasons.
How to Fix Error Code 0xc000000f on Startup?
Receive the error code 0xc000000f when starting computer and fail to login? How to solve it? Here, reason of error code 0xc000000f and solution of fixing 0xc000000f will be provided.
Windows 7 Won’t Boot? How to Fix?
Windows 7 won’t boot, which is a very common problem. But in this case, some users usually intend to reinstall system or ask computer technician to repair it. In fact, we can fix it by ourselves if we find out the real reason why Windows 7 won’t start. Next, let’s learn about some reasons and try to fix the Windows 7 startup problem.
How to Fix Error Code 0xc0000001 in Windows 10?
Many users feel confused when error code appears in Windows 10 at startup. Then what we can do is to reinstall system? In fact, there’re any other ways. Next, let’s learn about the reasons why error code 0xc0000001 appears and we’ll provide several solutions for you to fix it.
How to Enable Administrator Account in Windows 7?
Administrator is a built-in account with full administrative permissions in Windows 7. But how do we enable administrator account in Windows 7? Next, let’s learn some useful methods.
Cannot Login to Windows 10? How to Fix?
It’s very common that sometimes we cannot login to Windows 10. Why will Windows 10 fail to login? Let’s learn about some solutions to fix the Windows 10 login failure problem.
Three Ways to Enable Guest Account in Windows 10
In default settings, guest account is disabled in Windows 10. When you need it, you have to enable it manually. Then how do we enable guest account in Windows 10?
How to Fix Windows 10 Black Screen with Cursor at Startup?
Windows 10 black screen with cursor usually results from system trouble or hardware failure. Next, we will provide some methods for you to fix the Windows 10 black screen with cursor problem that’s caused by system or hardware failure.